Protect the Innocent,
Join the Fight!
Michigan crime statistics show that animal abuse is up 4x since 2016 in Michigan. You can help!
Protect the Innocent,
Join the Fight!
Michigan crime statistics show that animal abuse is up 4x since 2016 in Michigan. You can help!
Join Protect MI Pet to support the passage of ballot initiative for the 2024 election that will create a registry of convicted animal abusers and change property laws to spare animals from being incarcerated for months or years while their abusers await trial.
Together, we can save animals from abuse and neglect and be a voice for the innocent.
Protect MI Pet
The Protect MI Pet Ballot Initiative is seeking placement on the 2024 ballot and will allow Michigan voters to decide whether to create a statewide registry of convicted animal abusers. If approved, the name of every convicted animal abuser in Michigan will be publicly accessible to shelters, police, breeders, the concerned public , and law enforcement. The Protect MI Pet bill will also change Michigan property laws to spare animals from being incarcerated while their abusers stand trial. This is a matter of life and death, and these animals cannot wait for months and years in hopes of legislative justice.
This ballot initiative is being proudly lead by Genesee County Sheriff Christopher R. Swanson and a coalition of animal lovers and political advocates who are passionate about both animal and human rights. You can get involved today and join their team in the movement to end animal violence.

Some viewers may find the following images disturbing.
Viewer discretion is advised.
The Terrible Truth
There is now a clear and proven link between animal abuse and domestic violence. The research is conclusive and the findings are devastating. The good news is that increased awareness of this proven link has been shown to reduce the incidence of future crimes.
Disclaimer: These photos are property of the state of Michigan
Animal Abuse In Michigan
Detroit dog buried alive after owner moves, dug up by Good Samaritan
The barbaric treatment and neglect of
animals is never acceptable
We kindly and urgently ask your help as we work to stop the violence against helpless animals and support the work of law enforcement and responsible shelters and breeders. With your help, together we can work to end animal cruelty.
Help Stop Animal Abuse Now
Kick off for Protect MI Pet begins on National Pet Day April 11th. Following that and over the next year, we hope to gain the support necessary to get Protect MI Pet on the 2024 ballot. To make this happen, we need to collect 500,000+ signatures in support of this initiative. Along the way, we need your help with donations, signatures, volunteering your valuable time spreading support and encouragement for this initiative, and ultimately your vote.
Donations can also be sent via check to:
615 S. Saginaw Street. Suite 7011. Flint, MI 48502
Frequently asked questions about the ballot initiative
Sometimes the answer is simple and common sense. Protect MI Pet will make 2 important changes to the Michigan Constitution, if approved, in November 2024. First, it will change the current law so when there is probable cause that an animal is being abused, the animal will be removed from the dangerous situation and re-homed with a loving family while the legal process continues. Second, Protect MI Pet calls for a registry of convicted animal abusers to be created and to be maintained by the state of Michigan, where it will be available to the public. The name and animal-related crimes of each offender will be on the registry for a period of time depending on the type and severity of crime. When someone is convicted of animal abuse, it is our duty to ensure they cannot do it again.
An analysis of data collected by the FBI National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) shows that animal abuse is a strong predictor of domestic abuse and sexual violence, and a better predictor of sexual abuse than a history of homicide, arson, or weapon convictions.
When we stem the violence against animals, we will help decrease domestic abuse too. Animal abusers are five times more likely to harm humans. Learn more about the research into animal cruelty as a precursor to other forms of violence here.
In Michigan today, animal owners can still unknowingly give a pet to someone who has been found guilty of a previous crime against animals. No responsible shelter, breeder, or animal owner wants to hand over an innocent pet to a convicted abuser. The registry is a solution that means accountability for offenders and protection for animals. Searching the registry would be quick, easy, and free.
Animals are considered property in Michigan, and can languish in shelters for years, waiting for their abusers to come to trial. The ballot provides specific protections that will ensure animals are removed from a dangerous situation even before a trial, and do not remain in danger during an extended legal process.
Automatic forfeiture of animals 22 days after probable cause found for charges relating to animal cruelty, fighting, and neglect. The animal can then legally be placed in a safe and loving home. A person subject to registration shall not possess, own, transport, sell, purchase, carry, ship, receive, or handle a companion animal in Michigan until the expiration of 3 years after all of the following circumstances exist:
- The person has paid all fines imposed for the violation.
- The person has served all terms of imprisonment imposed for the violation.
- The person has successfully completed all conditions of probation or parole imposed for the violation.
- A person who possesses, owns, transports, sells, purchases, carries, ships, receives, or handles a companion animal (define in statute) in violation of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 364 days or a fine of not more than $3,000.00, or both.
This ballot initiative is led by a broad coalition of professionals and concerned citizens that understand the direct connection between animal cruelty and violence. The first sponsor of this critical initiative is Genesee County Sheriff Christopher R. Swanson. Throughout his 30+ year law enforcement career, Sheriff Swanson has seen thousands of animal abuse cases and witnessed first hand the devastating impact on the abused animals, their human loved ones and how this abuse often leads to violent crimes against other people. He believes that the Protect MI Pet Ballot Initiative can be a key tool to help law enforcement and every Michigander increase public and animal safety. Join with us and you can also be a part of Protect MI Pet by volunteering or by donating below.
Protect MI Pet Ballot Question Committee Members
Chris Swanson
Alena Clark
Betsy Felton
Adam Mizel
Brooke Tucker
Jim Kietzner (News/Communication advisor)
Advisor to the Committee: Michigan Pet Alliance
Animals Shelters of Michigan
Paid for with regulated funds by Citizens for the Michigan Animal Abuse Registry, 615 S. Saginaw Street Suite 7011, Flint MI 48502